Kenny Carr and the Tigers

To see a YouTube clip of Kenny Carr and the Tigers from a 2001 performance at the University of South Carolina,
go to Carolina Shout.
Kenny Carr and the Tigers, an African-American shout band, perform
a unique form of music that fuses gospel and jazz. They have produced
two highly-acclaimed recordings (one featured on NPR's All Things
Considered) and perform in a variety of venues from concert halls
to churches. Enjoyed by gospel, jazz, and classical music audiences,
Kenny Carr and the Tigers perform throughout the Carolinas. For more
information, contact:
Kenny Carr

The Tigers preparing for their 2010 performance
"Today's trombonist cannot fail to appreciate the
remarkable ability of Kenny Carr and the Tigers to move beyond technique
immediately to the heart. Listen to how Kenny turns a single note into
a flaming flower of expression and how the ensemble moves as one to
push, prod and react to all that is going on. It is truly unforgettable."
Douglas Yeo, Bass Trombonist, Boston Symphony Orchestra

"While I had previously listened to all of Kenny Carr and the
Tigers' recordings, I was unprepared for their performance at the 2002
International Tuba and Euphonium Conference. Their playing was outright
astonishing, and I was stunned by Kenny's virtuosity and inventiveness.
I could follow the band's chord progression but I never knew where Kenny's
melodic flights were taking him. And then, just like magic, there he
was within a chord with the row trombones. His creative ornamentation
with this unique shout band genre reminded me of Louie Armstrong's melodic
innovation in jazz. At times, I think the recordings do Kenny and the
Tigers a disservice. Their presentation, side-by-side, playing to the
Lord, is a sight to behold! To really experience the Tigers is to hear
AND to see them. After all these years of hearing about the Tigers,
I finally was able to experience them-what a joy!!" Stewart
Carter, Professor of Musicology and Trombone, Wake Forest University;
Editor of the Historic Brass Journal, former editor of Historical Performance
An Introduction to Pentecostal Brass
Shout Bands
Recordings by Kenny Carr and the Tigers
Upcoming and Past Performances